HSOG was established in 1958 by E.L. Caldecott, who funded and built the original shelter facility. He operated the facility until the mid-1980s when he became physically unable to continue, when Greenwood County assumed the funding and operations of the Animal Shelter. HSOG was then contracted by Greenwood County in 2002 to manage the Greenwood County Animal Shelter – an open-intake facility — in their behalf. In 1998, the HSOG opened a low-cost Spay/Neuter clinic where over 20,000 dogs and cats were sterilized over a thirteen year period. The clinic ceased operations in 2011 and the HSOG hopes to reopen in the future. In the meantime, we offer low-cost spay/neuter services via a transport partnership with Animal Allies in Spartanburg that available to all of Greenwood’s pet owners.