Rahlo’s a “game changer” who’s ready to race his way into your family and heart. Such a complete package, wrapped in a handsome coat is a rare find these days – dashing good looks, polite manners and a real charmer to boot – Rahlo has it all! The only thing this 1-year-old dog is missing is a family to love upon. Your home doesn’t have to be a castle for this medium-sized character to feel at home because all he wants is your love and friendship. He thinks children are just peachy and dog pals are great too. Rahlo is ready to take his game to a new level and find a family to complete his quest for boundless love.

Brie — Adopted
A picture of feline fancy, Brie is a dream come true. At 7-months-old, she’s still a spritely kitten but has a mellow streak that makes napping a priority. Laid back and loving, she proudly flaunts a beautiful, short, tabby coat. Brie is always on the lookout for her forever family and seems intent to be doted on by everyone she meets. She is FIV positive, but that’s no big deal. It basically just means she needs to stay inside, so she has less chance of getting any illnesses in the future. But guess what? Inside is exactly where she likes to be. There is no need for you to keep daydreaming about the snuggly kitten you’ve always wanted; Brie is waiting patiently hoping that you’ll come and see her soon.
The adoption fees are generously sponsored by Edgerley Pest Control for these featured pets through March 27, 2021. For your and our employees’ safety, please call (864) 223-2498 to schedule an appointment for a visit to meet these and other available pets.